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Foreign Exchange Administration (FEA)
Published time: 2018-09-25

This information is for general reference only. Please note that you are advised to read and understand the Notices on Foreign Exchange Administration Rules issued by Bank Negara Malaysia (including all rules made thereunder and amendments as may be made at any time and from time to time) (the “FEA Rules”) and ensure all transactions carried out for your accounts maintained with China Construction Bank (Malaysia) Berhad are fully complied with the FEA Rules at all times. The below is not a full version of FEA Rules but a summary for your better understanding and it is sourced from


Foreign Exchange Administration (FEA)

Bank Negara Malaysia maintains liberal Foreign Exchange Administration (FEA) rules which are mainly prudential measures to support the overall Malaysia macroeconomic objective of maintaining monetary and financial stability.


Summary of Rules

1.Rules Applicable to Non-Residents

2.Rules Applicable to Residents

3.Trade Foreign Currency Account (Trade FCA) and Investment Foreign Currency Account (Investment FCA) – Effective 5 December 2016



You are advised to get the full and updated FEA Rules from Bank Negara Malaysia' (BNM)’s website at for further information.